
Translational workforce roles and persona profiles

View the Project on GitHub galterdatalab/CTS-Personas

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the project’s documentation?

All project documentation is on the CTS_Personas GitHub site

How can I participate in evaluation of Personas?

Fill out the Personas Evaluation Google Form

How can I contribute to the Personas project?

Submit an Issue on our GitHub site

How can I contribute a use case to the Personas project?

We’re eager to hear your use cases for the Personas! Submit use cases via an Issue on our GitHub site

A key role is missing from the CTS-Persona library, what can I do?

The CTS-Personas project was scoped to one dozen profiles of roles in clinical and translational science. Though the six-month project timeframe precluded producing additional profiles, we encourage anyone with an interest in creating additional CTS profiles to reference our Methodology and begin a journey of Persona creation.

Keen to round out the collection of personas with a key role at your hub? Looking for a straightforward project for a student or collaborative workgroup? Consider developing a Persona and contribute it to the CTS-Personas library! Share your idea or find others for collaboration through our GitHub site.

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